R&D work in the natural gas industry has consistently benefitted the Borough of Chambersburg’s customers.Without advances such as polyethylene pipe, mobile leak detection equipment and high efficiency appliances, to name a few, our system would not be as safe or affordable to our customers.By contributing to the APGA Research Foundation, we are able to help continue the needed R&D work that will enable gas to keep improving the future for our customers. -John Leary, Superintendent of the Borough of Chambersburg Gas Department, Chambersburg, PA
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As a Joint Action Agency, the Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia supports natural gas industry research and development. The Municipal Gas Authority serves 78 public natural gas systems in five states. The communities we represent depend on a financially sound natural gas enterprise to contribute toward the quality of life for their citizens. A robust research and development program is imperative for a successful natural gas system.We are the beneficiaries of research and development accomplished in years past. The high efficiency furnaces, tankless water heaters, super-efficient industrial boilers, and improved natural gas cooking equipment are applications we can point to that are products of research and development and successfully competing in today’s appliance marketplace. On the production side, we enjoy a supply-rich natural gas environment through the development of horizontal drilling and access to shale natural gas. The question is what key technologies will we have in the next 20 years to allow us to compete with other energy providers?We have found that the APGA Research Foundation (APGARF) is the best entity for us to do our part in investing in industry research and development. A successful R/D program cannot be accomplished by one or a few natural gas systems. It takes each natural gas system making an investment. The APGA RF is able to leverage our dollars with other public gas systems, investor-owned utilities, manufacturers, state energy commissions, and the Department of Energy (DOE) to achieve great efficiencies for each dollar invested.” -Rodney Dill, Director of Member Services, Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia, Kennesaw, GA
As a public gas system we know the importance of natural gas and how that role will continue to increase in the future.To ensure that natural gas continues to provide the highest value possible, we have an obligation to invest in research and development.The American Public Gas Association Research Foundation provides the perfect avenue to ensure that this investment is being spent appropriately.Funding the Research Foundation provides City Utilities of Springfield the opportunity to have a seat at the table and a voice in major research and development that we otherwise would not have.Projects funded by the Research Foundation not only improve the ways our customers use natural gas but also has allowed us to improve operational efficiencies and keep the cost of serving the community as low as possible. -Gary Gibson, P.E., General Manager, City Utilities of Springfield, MO
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