Your financial support for R&D programs is critical to maintaining the competitiveness of natural gas. The RF is encouraging contributing systems to consider 1 cent/Dth as a standard for fairness.On average, this is approximately $1/customer/year and, based on $8/Dth gas supply costs, would amount to an increase of only 1/10 of 1 percent (0.1 percent) on purchased gas cost.We use the $1/year/customer as a goal. We ask you to consider if that R&D support level is possible. APGARF desires all companies to contribute to R&D at this level whenever possible.
If your system belongs to as Joint Action Agency, please consider supporting the RF through the help of your JAA.
RF investor has a voice in how their voluntary R&D investments are spent, and we would like to invite you to join us. Click here to find printable documents about why financial support for R&D programs is critical to maintaining the competitiveness of natural gas.